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Eloton SimCycle

What you need to know

The Eloton SimCycle is essentially a cycle ergometer without a seat or handlebars. it is designed to be used while seated near a computer. This is because you may connect the SimCycle via USB to a computer in order to use it to play video games. The SimCycle does not come with its own video games, but instead you must play games you already own, such as racing games. For example, cycling faster or slower will control the speed of a car and thus creates incentive to work harder while on the SimCycle.


Intended Patient Population

As the SimCycle was foremost intended as an entertaining way to engage its users in exercise, it was not made intentionally for people in neurological populations. As such, its specifications and design may not allow people with certain lower limb deficits, such as spasticity or severe weakness, to use it.

Limited evidence exists for the use of the Eloton SimCycle in neurological populations, with the only RCT being for children with cerebral palsy.


Cerebral Palsy

Muscle strength enhancement following home-based virtual cycling training in ambulatory children with cerebral palsy.

Chen et al., 2012

RCT PEDro: 5/10

Technology: Eloton SimCycle

Deficits Targeted: Muscle strength and motor function


At the time of publication, no retailers, either in store or online, could be found selling this product. As such, no accurate price can be provided.

Created in 2018 by Burton CRK

Created as part of LaTrobe University's PEEK program

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