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This website is designed to educate people and physiotherapists on the types of virtual reality technology available for the treatment of neurological conditions. Credible evidence is provided for the use of these interventions. Evidence used in this website was sourced from  several significant medical, nursing and physiotherapy journal databases from their inception until  10/2018. While there are obviously more neurological conditions than those featured on this database, the 4 chosen represent what the author feels are the 4 most common that they have encountered in clinical practice. Time constraints did not allow the addition of further conditions. Some other conditions, such as brain injury and spinal cord injury, are not included because the heterogeneity of their presentation makes it difficult to generalise the findings of articles to the greater population.


The author acknowledges that human error, inexperience, time constraints, lack of access to publishers, and failing to search all relevant databases may limit the quality and quantity of evidence presented in this database. The author has intentionally left results and author conclusions off of the article summaries so as to encourage exploration of research. The author hopes that this will prevent confirmation bias as it will lead people to read all available evidence instead of only studies with results that support their hypothesis.   

This database may be navigated in 3 main ways

1. Click on a condition in the top bar to read a description. Virtual reality technology with evidence for this condition will linked at the bottom of the page.

2. The glossary of technology in the top bar has a complete list of the technology described in this database.

3. Alternatively, if technology in the ribbon catches your eye, click on it to learn more.

Created in 2018 by Burton CRK

Created as part of LaTrobe University's PEEK program

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