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Biometrics E-Link 

What you need to know

E-Link, from Biometrics, is a wireless dongle data recording system that can be attached to a wide variety of rehabilitative equipment also designed by Biometrics. It is designed to aid in the transmission of data regarding a patients movements. These movements are used to control proprietary games that encourage desired movements in order to complete objectives. A number of peripherals exist to challenge specific aspects of movement in a wide variety of patient populations. Some useful peripherals include:

  • Upper Limb Excerciser: For active and active resisted upper extremity exercise of the wrist, forearm, elbow and shoulder

  • Grip and pinch dynamometer: For hand strength + motor function 


Intended Patient Population

The Biometrics E-Link and its associated equipment are intended for a wide range of patients. From their website, these include:

  • Hand Therapy

  • Stroke Rehabilitation

  • Pediatric Rehabilitation

  • Spinal Injury Rehabilitation

  • Neuro Rehabilitation

  • Medical Evaluation

From a search of evidence, the only neurological condition with high quality evidence was cerebral palsy.


Cerebral Palsy

Effects of modified constraint-induced movement therapy in virtual environment on upper-limb function in children with spastic hemiparetic cerebral palsy: a randomised controlled trial

Rostami et al., 2012

RCT PEDro: 7/10

Technology: Biometrics E-Link Upper Limb Exerciser

Deficits Targeted: Upper limb function


The Biometrics website does not list prices for their equipment. If you would like to get a quote, they encourage you to fill out this form.

Created in 2018 by Burton CRK

Created as part of LaTrobe University's PEEK program

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