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Playstation EyeToy/Eye

What you need to know


The PlayStation EyeToy (PlayStation 2) and PlayStation Eye (PlayStation 3) are peripheral devices created by Sony for use with their PlayStation consoles. Together with a built in microphone, they possess the ability to detect motion, colours, and sounds and use them with gesture recognition technology to allow players to interact with EyeToy specific games.


PlayStation Eye was also used alongside PlayStation Move, a set of inertial sensing wand controllers that provided further motion sensing capabilities. 



Intended Patient Population

Though designed for use as entertainment, the ability to interact with games has opened up an avenue for physical therapy to incorporate desired therapeutic movements as objectives for these games. Completing games or setting high scores can provide an intrinsic motivation by which to engage patients in their therapy to a greater extent than conventional therapies. 



Active video-gaming effects on balance and mobility in individuals with chronic stroke: A randomized controlled trial

Fritz et al., 2013​

RCT PEDro: 8/10

Technology: Wii Fit and Wii Balance Board, PlayStation EyeToy

Deficits Targeted: Static/dynamic balance and gait parameters/endurance

The only evidence was a singular case study was identified from all available literature. This was a Case study about a stroke patient by Flynn, Palma and Bender in 2007 and was not considered strong enough evidence to summarise for this website. If you wish to read it, please click the underlined text

Cerebral Palsy

A low-cost video game applied for training of upper extremity function in children with cerebralpalsy: a pilot study.

Jannink et al., 20131

RCT PEDro: 4/10

Technology: PlayStation EyeToy + mini games

Deficits Targeted: Upper limb function

Cerebral Palsy


Due to its age, the original Sony EyeToy and Eye both cannot be purchased from retail stores. In terms of features, it would be illogical to purchase the original EyeToy in preference to the Eye. The Eye can be purchase from second hand and online retailers such as for approximately $15 AUD

Created in 2018 by Burton CRK

Created as part of LaTrobe University's PEEK program

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